Welcome to the newest member of the Meerkat Meade family: Koltar the Magnificent of Anthracite (Kol or Koltar for short). Koltar is a Syrian hamster with coal-black fur ("Koltar" = "coal tar," get it?) except for a white stripe on his chin and stomach. Kol came home with us on Wednesday, December 20, 2006, and he has gradually been getting accustomed to his new world.
The first night, Kol knew only the Great Hall. The next day, we put on the Labyrinth and Skyhouse. The next day, he discovered a Basement with its attached wheel.
And tonight, Koltar has just discovered a new passage that leads to the Ant Farm, the Long Tube, and upstairs to the Pyramid and House of the Rising Sun. (We figure that having a Pyramid keeps our hamsters sharp.) He has visited all these places, and he is right now having a tremendous time digging in the Ant Farm.
More later.