Monday, July 13, 2009

Monday's Child R.I.P.

Should have posted this a while ago, in remembrance.

    Monday's child is Farrah Fawcett,
    Tuesday's child is Fuller Brush Man,
    Wednesday's child is Martin Balsam,
    Thursday's child is Tommy Newsome,
    Friday's child is Euell Gibbons,
    Saturday's child is Richard Simmons,
    But the child that's born on the sabbath day
    Is John and Paul and George and Jay.

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Saturday, July 11, 2009

Act Well Your Part Now Available for Kindle

Don's first novel, Act Well Your Part, is now available in Amazon Kindle format for $3.50.

Act Well Your Part is the story of Keith Graff, who dislikes his new school, Oak Grove High. He misses his old friends, and despairs of ever fitting in. Then he joins the school's drama club, where he meets the boyishly cute Bran Davenport. From there on it's a rollicking good boy-meets-boy story.

Since its original publication in 1986, Act Well Your Part has become a classic, an unabashed love story set not in the world that was, but in the world as, perhaps, it should be. It is a world in which sexual orientation matters about as much as eye color of left-handedness.

Amazon Kindle format is an electronic text format that can be viewed on Amazon's Kindle device and Apple's iPhone.

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